Ram girls dominate at Carroll coed meet

The Greene County Ram girls track and field team dominated at the Carroll coed track and field meet April 13, scoring 177 points. Maple Valley- Anthon-Oto was second with 99 points, followed by IKM-Manning with 87, Perry with 65, Audubon and Carroll with 54, and Woodward-Granger with 52.

In field competition, Emma Saddoris won the long jump with a season’s best height of 15′ 11″, and Hannah Onken won the discus throw with a distance of 109′ 10″.  Kenna Marquardt was second in the distance with a throw of 97′ 11″. Onken was second in the shot with a throw of 33′ 5″, with Kayla Mobley third with a throw of 32′ 4-3/4″. Nadia Fisher placed third in the high jump at 4′ 10″.

The girls took first place in six running events, including four relays. The shuttle hurdle relay (Mollie Sorber, Nadia Fisher, Sarah Sandage and Eme Johnson) set a meet record and won with a season’s best time of 1:09.09.  The 4 X 200 relay team (Hannah Stein, Saddoris, Emily Christensen and Olivia Hansen) won with a season’s best time of 1:51.95. The sprint medley (Sorber, Saddoris, Christensen and Hansen) won with a season’s best time of 1:58.51. The same  team won the 4 X 100 with a time of 53.33.

Johnson won the 100 m hurdles in :16.09, and Hansen won the 200 m race with a time of :27.57

Haley Hall placed second in the 3000 meter run and set a personal record with a time of 13:33.20. Christensen placed second in the 100 m at :13.68, and Johnson finished second in the 400 m hurdles in 1:09.27. The distance medley relay (Sorber, Durbin, Nicole Kuhl, Lauren Carlson) placed second in 4:55.10, and the 4 X 400 relay (Stein, Chantel Flack, Kuhl, Johnson) placed second at 4:32.37.

Placing third were Fisher in the 100 m hurdles at :16.61, and Stein in the 200 m at :28.93

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